Urve Konksi

Urve Konksi is a South Estonian ceramicist whose work has reached the homes of many Estonians in a relatively short time. Urve studied art at Tallinn University and received her ceramics education in Olustvere.

Urve's work shows a love for simple lines and earthy textures and colors. Urve uses high-temperature clay in her creations. During the summer season, the ceramicist participates in firings in a wood-fired ceramic kiln (mostly Kaljurahnu Noborigama), where completely unique ceramics are made in a live fire. Savivalge's organic ceramic forms are suitable for both nature and a modern city home.

"Creating form in ceramics is an endless joy of discovery for me, each object is lovingly designed with personality. I want my dishes to be visually light, but practical and strong, pleasant to hold and use. The inspiration is undoubtedly the home landscape - the changeable weather and the change of seasons bring out endlessly fresh perspectives and create ground for new ideas." - Urve Konksi

The Savivalge ceramic studio is located in Liiva 11a, Võru.